Medicare in Crisis On Oct 21, 2014 the Council of Canadians in partnership with CUPE held a town hall meeting to bring awareness to the cuts being orchestrated by the Harper government and their agenda to privatize our medical system. Our Grandparents fought hard to...
Fair Vote Our current Federal Government received 100% of the power to run our Country with only 39% of the votes using the ‘First Past the Post’ system. This system does not offer a fair representation of the Public overall. The local chapter of Fair Vote...
Katz in Comox Dr. Jackson Katz is North America’s leader in gender violence education. Katz came to the Comox Valley to focus on strategies on how men and boys can engage in violence prevention, the importance of collaboration with women and the powerful role...
solutions unincorporated my name is william(11:11) Monetary Reform - a simple solution to some major problems affecting everyone in Society. In this short interview, william explains how Canadian money is created, how our current system has been usurped, and some...
Whacking the Dogs Lens whacking, also called free lensing, is a method of shooting with the lens detached from the camera body. It allows lights leaks, tilt shift focus and a dream like vintage quality. This video was just a fun little experiment with the dogs one...