Awake Care to comment on the state of the World? Most people don’t but maybe if we did, we wouldn’t be in this mess. Good thing it’s not too late. This was my first crack at a ‘documentary’ so please go easy on me;) Although it may be...
Natural Person vs Artificial Person A brief look at who we are as a HUMAN BEINGS in real life and our ‘legal’ correlation to Society. You were born naturally as life intended…laws were placed upon you after the fact. Is it natural to...
Medicare in Crisis (Trailer) On Oct 21, 2014 the Council of Canadians in partnership with CUPE held a town hall meeting to bring awareness to the cuts being orchestrated by the Harper government and their agenda to privatize our medical system. Our Grandparents fought...
D See Video Productions Demo Reel 2012 To see more visit My Portfolio Contact
Will Abram was an amazing man with a vast wealth of knowledge. Awarded with a Lifetime Achievement Award from the American Monetary Institute, Will speaks on money and debt offering a detailed explanation how Canada has been usurped by the Banking Industry. Will...