Anne Davis of the CVHTF asks; “How does the lack of afforable housing impact the health and well being of individuals and our community as a whole?” In Panel 2 of the Comox Valley Housing Task Force forum, Tony Law moderates the following experts in a...
As Cumberland Councillor Roger Kishi notes; “Speaking with one voice is consistently emphasized by housing experts in the field of housing affordablilty & homelessness.” In Panel 3 of the Comox Valley Housing Task Force Forum, Cumberland Resident...
Tom Beshr of Habitat for Humanity and the CVHTF introduces Panel 4 of the Comox Valley Housing Task Forum. Susan Wood moderates the following panelists in a discussion on how to bring affordable housing projects to life in your Community. Kevin Albers CGA,...
Musician Erik ‘Ice Blue’ Eriksson asks in his introduction of Panel 5 of the Comox Valley Housing Task Forum; ‘What are some affordable housing options?’, ‘How can we increase our affordable housing stock?’ and ‘How can we...
Where are the 98%? We are Victoria, BC… This is a video mash-up of concerned citizens that are standing up and speaking out on issues that affect us ALL. They are the OTHER 1% that actually speak out about the atrocities that are being committed by the wealthy...