D See Video Productions

Show Reel

Below you’ll find my favourite videos produced as a Shaw Spotlight Producer and the Mount Washington Video Guy, as well as some of my freelance media work and passion projects.

Raven’s Calling

Raven’s Calling

For years, Valerie Lamirande looked to find the creative outlet that inspired her. And when she received an unexpected gift from a friend…Lamirande knew that she had found exactly what she was looking for!

Meet Donny

Meet Donny

Throughout recent history, many power tools have been invented to modernize crafts like woodworking. Strict safety precautions must be adhered to while operating power tools in order to avoid serious injury and can be a daunting challenge for the best of us. Now imagine you were blind and still trying to do all of that…Well then, Meet Donny.

Like Me Slopestyle

Like Me Slopestyle

    The Like Me Slopestyle Series is happening this weekend Feb 27 & 28. Sponsored by BC Snowboard, this should be an awesome event to compete in or spectate.   

Go Eugene!

Go Eugene!

    Half price happening this week only!!   

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Where are the 98%? We are Victoria, BC…

Where are the 98%? We are Victoria, BC…

This is a video mash-up of concerned citizens that are standing up and speaking out on issues that affect us ALL. They are the OTHER 1% that actually speak out about the atrocities that are being committed by the wealthy elite. Less that 1% of Canada's population took...

Show Reel

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