D See Video Productions

Show Reel

Below you’ll find my favourite videos produced as a Shaw Spotlight Producer and the Mount Washington Video Guy, as well as some of my freelance media work and passion projects.

Too Cute to Handle

Too Cute to Handle

Kittens, you gotta’ love them…even if they decide to go on a reality TV show!

Bee Bombs

Bee Bombs

Bee Bombs are a great way to help save the bees and other essential pollinators from extinction. When Bee bombs explode, they disperse wildflowers seeds that, once planted, will produce a beautiful plot of flowers for pollinators to feed off. Pollinators are responsible for 1 in every 3 bites of food on our plate, so giving them a platform to thrive in is a fun and easy way to help save the planet. Way cooler than those other bombs we’ve been using all these years!

Bike Park re-opening this Summer!

Bike Park re-opening this Summer!

    We are very excited to announce that, following a three-year hiatus, the Mount Washington Bike Park will reopen this summer for lift-accessed mountain biking!   

Looking good out there!

Looking good out there!

    Hello Vancouver Island. 50% off alpine lift tickets and nordic trail passes Monday to Friday Jan 18-22! See you on the slopes.   

Extreme Snowshoeing!

Extreme Snowshoeing!

    After large demand from the snowshoeing community, Mount Washington is proud to introduce Extreme Snowshoeing to the resort. Check it out...it's awesome!   

Medicare in Crisis (Trailer)

Medicare in Crisis (Trailer)

On Oct 21, 2014 the Council of Canadians in partnership with CUPE held a town hall meeting to bring awareness to the cuts being orchestrated by the Harper government and their agenda to privatize our medical system. Our Grandparents fought hard to put a system in...

Whacking the Dogs

Whacking the Dogs

Lens whacking, also called free lensing, is a method of shooting with the lens detached from the camera body. It allows lights leaks, tilt shift focus and a dream like vintage quality. This video was just a fun little experiment with the dogs one afternoon.

Natural Person vs Artificial Person

Natural Person vs Artificial Person

    A brief look at who we are as a HUMAN BEINGS in real life and our 'legal' correlation to Society. You were born naturally as life intended...laws were placed upon you after the fact. Is it natural to follow(comply/adhere/submit) to a legal system that...

Show Reel

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