D See Video Productions

Show Reel

Below you’ll find my favourite videos produced as a Shaw Spotlight Producer and the Mount Washington Video Guy, as well as some of my freelance media work and passion projects.

Repair Cafe

Repair Cafe

Planned obsolescence has slowly but surely crept into our consumer-driven society. Repair Cafes are a great way to combat that while simultaneously cleaning up our environment. Items you purchase with your hard earned cash don’t need to end up in the landfill too soon, while at the same time, you can learn how to be a fix-it guy… just like Dave Baar!

One Simple Act

One Simple Act

  After an unfortunate set of circumstances, Tracy lost her family, became homeless and struggled with addiction. She sought support but found few services available, and the ones that were, usually didn't last due to funding cuts. She had lost all hope in the...



  When an avid puzzler comes across a unique mystery puzzle, she embarks on an emotional journey that leads her to a place that was always accessible but may have been overlooked. 

Early Bird

Early Bird

View more videos in the Mount Washington Portfolio

Elevate your Summer

Elevate your Summer

    Hiking among wildflowers, world-class ocean views, adrenaline-filled days in the Bike Park, create amazing memories this summer at Mount Washington   

The Return of a Shadow

The Return of a Shadow

This book trailer was created in an effort to pitch the book, The Return of a Shadow, as a screenplay.

Whole Health Family Wellness

Whole Health Family Wellness

Shannon Simpson's dream is to provide nutritional education to children. This short promotional video lends a bit of insight to that regard. For more information please visit https://wholehealthfamilywellness.ca/

I Am Not Misinformation

I Am Not Misinformation

In today’s covid crazy world of censorship and this ‘one sided narrative’, it takes courage to stand up and speak out. Take a journey with this group of vaccine injured individuals and health professionals as they share their experiences in an effort to educate the public on the issues that the mainstream media overtly refuse to cover.

Vancouver Island Freedom Convoy – Jan 29, 2022

Vancouver Island Freedom Convoy – Jan 29, 2022

    Join the convoy from Campbell River to Victoria in support of the truckers in Ottawa. Hear voices along the way of Island residents telling their stories of why they are in support of the movement. These are voices the mainstream media refuse to...

Show Reel

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